A Sao Paulo sailor must have marrow. Did not record this part, but who looks the video below does not realize that there were 2 hours spent to reach and 3 hours to get back. Insane traffic ...
O teste na represa foi muito bom. Com o espaço cedido pelo Julio Enzo pudemos reunir a galera da Flotilha SP da Vela Pop e demos boas risadas. Além do Sussa, estavam velejando o Feinho II (caiaque amarelo) do amigo Wagner, CD00 - trimarã 1 pessoa velejado pelo Julio e CD01 - trimarã para 2 pessoas velejado pelo Caparroz e pelo Flávio. Eu e a Angela velejamos de Sussa e pudemos experimentar o CD01, um ótimo barco também.
The test was very good on the dam. With access provided by Julio Enzo we could meet the guys from the SP Flotilla Vela Pop and had a good time. Besides Sussa, were sailing the Feinho II (yellow kayak) owned by Wagner, CD00 - 1 person trimaran sailed by Julio and CD01 - trimaran for 2 people sailed by Caparroz and Flavio. Angela and I sailed Sussa and we could experience the CD01, a great boat too.
Não adicionei fundo musical ao video para quem quiser apreciar o verdadeiro espírito de velejar. Escutar a água, o vento e os pássaros. Além de umas bobagens que falamos também.....hehehe.
I did not add background music to video for those who want to enjoy the true spirit of sailing. Listen to the water, the wind and the birds. Apart of a few silly things we speak ..... hehehe.
Inté !